Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anthology: Theme Statement

               I considered several topics for my anthology, I thought Winter would be a good choice because it is my favorite season, but I have never been able to describe why I like Winter so much. Rather than read or write about winter I'd rather experience it. I also thought about doing fear or dreams, but went further and decided to explore the things that people fear and dream about most. So, the theme I intend to focus on is Mortality vs. Immortality.
             Because mortality is a popular topic in literature, I've found lots of texts to use for this anthology. Some examples are T.S. Elliot's Whispers of Immortality, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and almost every other scifi/fantasy writer incorperate immortality as a motif in thier writings, the band Alphaville is largley known for their song Forever Young, and the list goes on. Odds are that if you gave somone three wishes, one would be that they live forever.


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