Friday, February 24, 2012

Claim review for Sub #4

1.   The radical range of color schemes, discombobulating object scale, unusual item combination, and drastic angling of geometric shapes combine to form a divine harmony in the middle of a flustering discord. --Vivir Sonar Leer

"The shots of the model seemingly jumping spontaneously serve a purpose of tricking the eyes and mind." - No Trust In Tomorrow 

2.  Lunch Bag Art is a tumblr that is very unique and worth looking at.

Set in the 16th century were pirates are despised and Will Turner, a humble black smith’s assistant, doesn’t realize his whole life is connected to pirates but when he runs into one his whole life is changed. 

(Book Log) Ayn Rand is a philosophical genius... that is all.

Due to constant interruptions, I am only half way through this book. Ayn Rand's The Virtue of Selfishness is the explanation of a concept called Objectivism. Objectivism is the philosophy which holds that man can only do for himself and should out of his rational self-interest as long as the action he takes does not infringe upon another’s rights. This philosophy is an interesting combination of Natural Rights and Classical Republicanism, oddly though she appears to incorporate the drawbacks of each philosophy into her's. At this point in the book it seems like she takes an altered version of enlightened Self-interest (The ability to act in your own interests follows on from self-acceptance and confidence.) that the "Big Three" religions teach; she calls this rational self interest.
     Brilliantly conceived and eloquently worded, Rand captures the very essence human nature, which is to value one life above all things, when you think about it, it makes sense. One example from this book was a situation in which someone had to decide whether to save his drowning wife and risk his own life or to let her die. At first one might think that according to Rand's philosophy one should let the wife drown, but thinking deeper you realize that it is in ones interest to save the wife because without her the husband would live a life of endless sorrow, so the risk to the husband's life is acceptable.
             Despite Objectivism's sound logic, one can tell that Rand did not gather this information from years of experience or interviews with wise old men, while reading this book it becomes apparent that she just made it up. Its not that it has any flaws in it's logic, but she the whole thing feels a bit off. However, some of the doubts that I had from the beginning of the book are beginning to be answered, so I assume that the doubts I have now will be cleared up later on in the book.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Powerful Asylum Photos Sub #4

The term “mental illness” conjures up images of degradation, impoverishment, unhappiness, frenzy and chaos. In this beautiful collection of gripping photos, Christopher Payne catalogs the decay of state mental hospitals across the country. 
Few Americans realize these institutions were once monuments of civic pride, built with noble intentions by leading architects and physicians, who envisioned the asylums as places of refuge, therapy, and healing. -Payne

 Photographer Christopher Payne spent six years documenting the decay of state mental hospitals like these, visiting countless institutions across America. Through his lens we see grand, impressive exteriors and crumbling interiors—chairs stacked against walls with peeling green paint in a grand hallway; brightly colored toothbrushes still hanging on a rack; stacks of suitcases, never packed for the trip home.

For more than half of the nation's history vast mental institutions were prominent features of America's landscape. Now all but gone, it is a reminder that society's ideals deteriorate more rapidly than the structures built to facilitate them. Asylums for the insane, which started with high intentions, usually ended in horror and neglect. Christopher Payne has captured the soul of the asylums themselves through his extraordinary photographs.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fixed it

I guess the dynamic view wasnt working so i changed the template

Monday, February 20, 2012

Short List #4

1: Movie Review- Gentlemen Broncos
I just saw this movie this weekend and it was funny. Made by the same people that did Napoleon Dynamite, it definitely has some of the same themes like its setting of a backwards town somewhere out west, and it's highly unrealistic plot. Its one of the best comedies I have seen recently.

2:  Powerful Asylum Photos

"If you've ever seen a film involving a mental hospital then you'll probably assume they're all dingy and nightmarish pits of squalor. But, as photographer Christopher Payne has discovered, there's a lot more to them than we've seen on the big screen."-the Short list

3. Pop culture math
When you boil all of America's favorite things down to three elements this is what you get... the most recent addition makes the plot lines of superhero movies seem kind of dumb.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


sooo... yup..... uhh...yeah its a bike

This American Life:455(submission #3)

This American Life is a radio show that NPR has tasked with liming the "quirky facets of Americana." Broadcasted from WBEZ(in chicago), host Ira Glass takes the listener on an hour-long "journalistic non-fiction" trip through... whatever the show's writers find interesting.

I listened to episode 455, which is titled Continental Breakup. In this show, Ira Glass interviews Alex Blumberg, a writer at the blog Planet Money(another NPR affiliate), and attempts to put the credit crisis in Europe into layman's terms. And they do a pretty good job. They take you back to 100 years ago and the euro's inception and bring you through the events that lead up to today's problems. The relationship between France and Germany is perhaps the most interesting part of this episode:

Chana Joffe

Germany no longer wanted to dominate Europe. It wanted the opposite, actually. It wanted to be a team player, a peacemaker. Germany wanted to be the nicest guy at the European table.

Zoe Chace

Of course, France didn't want Germany to dominate either. Germany would always be bigger, more powerful. So France wanted to link its economy to the German economy. That way Germany's strength would be France's strength.

Chana Joffe

And also, a united Europe would be big enough and rich enough to become the world's other superpower and rival the United States, which both countries liked. All this was making a once-poetic dream much more appealing.
Surprisingly, the host and guest host kept my attention through the entirety of the program. I know that's the point, but if you have the slightest interest in economics you should give this a listen.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spartan Reader- Post #2

           This tumblr feed, self described as a Field Guide to the Passionate Opinions of the Indifferent, gives an entertaining look into the world of the Hipster. Featuring posts such as "Why Hipsters hate Christmas Decorating", and "People Who Show Their Uncool Cousins Around the City", this tumblr allows this sub-cultural group to publicly display everything they dislike.
The question "What is a hipster?" is answered by this tumblr. Through careful consideration of and immersion in the ethos of the subculture known as "hipsterdom," the authors have gathered a collection of both observations and found documents demonstrating the disposition and character of the modern-day hipster. One notable post is called "Country Music". In this post the author describes their experience at a local bar when a country song came on. She expresses her disdain for her friend Micaela's "gettin all nostalgic" and asking if she knew this country song. The author then goes on to describe another situation in which her friend made a fool of her self by admitting she likes country music. Finishing up the post she states that bluegrass is "kinda rad" and describes the subtle differences between the two genres that make country intolerable. This tumblr has something for everyone; due to the fact that hipsters tend to hate everything everybody can get a new and interesting viewpoint on the things that they know and love.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Short list addition

This is a really funny tumblr feed

(Book log) The Sirens of Titan

The Sirens of Titan is probably my favorite novel of Vonnegut. It contains all of the various elements that are usually associated with Vonnegut: dark humor, wry observations, a protagonist who is swept up in an adventure of galactic importance, discussions of free will and destiny, and nothing less than the revealing of the ultimate purpose of the entire human race. With a description like that you’d think the book was a thousand word treatise on philosophy (or something equally as boring). Instead, what we get is a brightly colored carnival ride through time, space and the solar system in which we meet a host of characters whose seemingly insignificant actions end up having an effect on the course of human civilization.
       Where some might see Vonnegut’s ultimate revelation of civilization’s purpose as an absurdist slap in the face to those who want to believe in humanity’s central place in the cosmos, I tend to think of the final reveal as less important to the true aim of the book, which is to poke fun at all of the things we take too seriously in our lives – whether it’s religion, money, patriotism, beauty, or even love to some extent. Similarly to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Vonnegut spends most of the time in this book poking fun at everyone and everything in ways that not only serve to make us laugh, but also to ponder why the things we hold sacred are even sacred at all.
    Although searching for meaning and order in the universe is a hobby as old as time, the rituals and stories that we come up with to make sense of it all can be as detrimental to our personal well being and spiritual evolution as the emptiness and meaninglessness that they serve to mask. Vonnegut isn’t telling us that our lives have no meaning. Instead he is trying to warn us to be skeptical about the things that we assign meaning to and the conclusions that we draw from the meanings we give them.

Short List #2

1. It would be fun to do a photo-spread on a local band or get photos of a concert. Or make profiles for homestead's "Rappers".

2. Best of Memes week 2- Basically the same thing as the first one, just different memes.

3. Top 5 gaming videos?- A collection of the five most impressive gaming videos from YouTube. Though a majority of gaming videos on are from Call of Duty,

Friday, February 3, 2012

Spartan Reader- Best of Memes- Feb 2

The Best of Memes:
The Leo Strut-

A Meme is "An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, esp. imitation." They most commonly consist of photo-shopped screen shots from movies, and pointless YouTube. They are the "inside jokes" of the internet.